Company Profile

Union Tea Brokers Ltd has been in tea business for the last 25 years. We are agents for 25 tea factory producers all spread within East African countries. Last year we sold 35 metric tonnes of bulk teas to various buyers from all over the globe. Our vision is to be the preferred tea specialists in Africa with a mission to ensure production of the highest standards and obtain excellent returns for our customers … [ Read More ]

Our Services

Our service include among others: Tea processing procedure audits. Production of weekly analytical reports for the weekly manufacture. Cataloguing for auction all teas nominated by the … [Read More...]


The company has four major departments: Sampling, Sales, Accounts and Administration. Staff The company has a total of twenty one permanent employees most with over ten years experience in the tea … [Read More...]

Mombasa Tea Auction

Kenya produces 350 metric tonnes of black CTC tea anually. Most of these teas plus 100 metric tonnes from neighbouring East African Countries are through Mombasa Tea Auction which is the biggest black tea … [Read More...]